Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Technology changes daily, therefore the internet and what is offered through or on the internet changes just as quickly! Similar to the internet and computers, gaming and video games is a continuously growing field. The new Play Station 3 is to be released soon, and is currently running on Ebay for thousands of dollars. Not only do gamers want these products, they want them quick!!

In association with the internet, games like World of Warcraft have virtually transformed gaming into a social network as well. While there are other games of the same concept, gamers have an addiction to this game of World of Warcraft also referred to as WOW.
Players are battling friends, of which they may have never physically met, and now have the option of selecting “one player” but not challenging the computer, and rather challenging others through the internet! It really is a great concept.

It is amazing what video games have become. Nintendo is releasing the Nintendo Wii on November 19. It has already gone on presale, and you could drive by any local EB Games, and see gamers camping out for the pre sale. Anyways, the Nintendo Wii has motion censored controls. With these controls rather than pressing a button to jump, you can hold the controller in one hand, jump, and the game character will jump. I personally enjoy videogames, but their advancements are almost overwhelming, at least on my wallet!!


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